$5.1 million in funding | 44,000 square feet | 6-12 grades | 600 student capacity | 4 months to complete | 6 acre site
Spectrum Charter School
Elk River, Minnesota
Spectrum Charter School Facility Needs
Spectrum Charter School was one of the most successful charter schools in the entire state of Minnesota. Yet, they occupied a cramped, subpar and exorbitantly priced facility. The school was operating out of portable classrooms, that could only accommodate 200 students. Their facility was at full capacity, and they had a waitlist that could double their enrollment overnight. Spectrum’s leadership decided it was time to improve their school facility. Originally, they hoped to use County bonds to fund a new facility. So, they set their project in motion, however, their desired financing did not come to fruition. This issue with funding put their schedule for their project seriously at risk. Because of these financial and timing issues, they faced postponing their facility expansion by a full year. This forced postponement would have jeppordised losing existing students due to their inadequate facilities.
Spectrum Charter School Facility Project Overview
Spectrum Charter School hired Charter School Property Solutions (CSPS) to help get their project back on track. We wasted no time with locating a property and starting on the funding process. Because of the strict time schedule for completion, CSPS ended up acquiring a 6-acre land parcel that had a pre-existing 20,000 square foot industrial shell. The pre-existing structure allowed for a much faster construction phase. The building also had very high ceilings, allowing for a second floor to be constructed. Because the project had to be completed in such a short timeframe, we decided to purchase the property as well as construct all the tenant improvements with all-cash. The tenant improvements we designed and planned were carried out in three strategic phases.
In phase one, we built the classrooms and administrative space on the first floor. We also constructed the second-floor structure. The second phase consisted of building out the classrooms on the second floor. Then in the third and final phase, we constructed a 6,600 square foot music and performing arts center as well as a 12,000 square foot gymnasium and full athletic field.
Spectrum Charter School Facility Result
CSPS was able to complete this entire project within 90 days! Spectrum moved in and was able to start the school year on time. They immediately increased their student population from 200 to 525 children and enjoyed the use of their new world-class educational and athletic facility. By making this leap in education space, Spectrum has cemented its position in Minnesota as a leading charter school. Further, the school was able to utilize municipal bond financing and purchase their freshly constructed charter school facility within eighteen short months after the completion of construction.
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