$30 million in funding | 169,300 square feet | PK-12 grades | 1,650 student capacity | 24 months to complete | 10.14 acre site
Gretna, Louisiana
Young Audiences Charter School Facility Needs
Charter School Property Solutions has been hired to help finance, design and build the new Young Audiences Charter School facility. Young Audiences Charter School (YACS) has been very successful since it opened in 2013. As a result of its success, the school has grown in it’s enrollment every single year of operation. In order for the school to house all of its students, YACS had to occupy three different buildings. These buildings were fairly run down and not ideal for the school. Therefor, Young Audiences is looking for a more suitable and permanent facility. YACS currently has 700 students but is looking to expand to 1,650 in the coming years. This is because they were recently granted permission to include grades 9-12 in their program.
Young Audiences Charter School Facility Project Overview
Charter School Property Solutions (CSPS) has secured $30 million dollars in bonds to finance the Young Audiences facility project. With these funds we are purchasing and renovating a former Coca Cola bottling plant located in Gretna, Louisiana. This site will be the future home for Young Audiences Charter School. The industrial warehouse provides ample space with 169,300 square feet in a single story building. We have also arranged for the school to receive $4 million dollars in Historic Tax Credits. This was possible due to the buildings former use and history.
During the construction phase of this project, we will oversee the buildout of 40 classrooms, multiple science rooms, a black box theatre, a media center, a dance center, a teaching/warming kitchen, a gymnasium as well as a multi-purpose/cafeteria. We will also oversee and manage the construction of administrative offices and 91 parking stalls.
Young Audiences Charter School Facility Result
Young Audiences facility was completed in December of 2020. They moved in and have been very happy with their new home. The completion of their school campus has enabled them to expand from 700 to 1,650 students. They are also now able to offer activities formerly unavailable to them, as they now have a media center, performing arts auditorium, gymnasium, and outdoor athletic field. Young Audiences now has permanent facility stability and is able to assist more students in their local community.
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